To Grandmother’s House We Go

On the plane and powering down!

On the plane and powering down!

Let me just say, my magic seat isn’t very fun after about 30 minutes. I try telling Mommy and Daddy, but they just don’t listen. I don’t understand, because when I’m not in my magic seat, they pick me up as soon as I tell them to. It must have to do with that safety thing Mommy talks about.

Anyway, Mommy and I went to somewhere called the airport the other day. It was kind of like the place with all the people and stores that Mommy calls the mall. There were lots of people, and Mommy pushed me around in my seat. We had to wait in some lines, and people kept saying how little I was. They must be comparing me to Mommy, because I’m so big! Mommy put all our stuff on a moving belt, and it went through a box while we walked along next to it. It seemed kind of silly, because Mommy picked it up like 5 feet later. I wonder what was in the box. Maybe next time I’ll try to get Mommy to let me ride through the box on the belt.

KATIE SAYS: Tip #1 for traveling alone with an infant- O’Hare on a Saturday night was practically empty. It was great not having anyone behind me at security, so I didn’t feel rushed getting all of our stuff through. The TSA agents seemed much more friendly as a result, too.

We walked for a long time, and then Mommy fed me and put me in clean pants. We waited around awhile, and then she put me back in my seat. We walked out to something she called a plane, which had a bunch of seats in rows. The buzzing helped me nap awhile, but when I woke up Mommy wouldn’t pick me up right away. I really need to figure out what “not safe” means. My ears felt a little funny, but then Mommy unbuckled me and I hugged her. She let me sit in her lap for awhile before putting me back in my seat. Then we got off the plane and talked to the people while waiting for someone to bring my stroller.

KATIE SAYS: Tip #2- I picked the seats all the way in the back of the plane so we would hopefully disrupt fewer people. Between that and the plane noise, apparently a number of people didn’t even realize there was a baby on the plane, even though she cried a fair bit at the beginning.

Once we got my stroller, we walked some more, until we saw Grandpa! He helped Mommy with all our bags, and then took us to his house, where Grandma, Great Grandma, and a Great Great Aunt were waiting to see me. It was really late, but Mommy let me stay up a little while longer to visit with them. I wondered where Daddy was, because he’s always around when I go to bed. Mommy said he was on a trip for work. It didn’t sound like much fun. I’ll have to give him extra hugs when I see him. And make him some extra special presents. I practiced making presents for Grandma.

When we woke up, Daddy was still missing, but I got to see more aunts and uncles, and met one of my cousins and a doggy! My cousin is even bigger than I am. She showed me how to roll over, but I still can’t do it myself yet. She gave me some of her toys and clothes that she’s too big for. Mommy let her hold me, but she and my aunts stood right next to us. Her lap isn’t very big. I felt like I was going to fall off it. Everyone took lots of photos of us because we’re so cute. Grandma bought a bathtub and a bouncy seat for me to use when I visit. The bouncy seat is really pink. Mommy hates pink, but the seat has lots of tags on it, so I think it’s ok.

I like visiting people because they all like holding me and telling me what a good girl I am. We’re supposed to go home tomorrow, but Mommy says we might have to stay longer because of the snow. We have lots of snow at home, so I don’t know why it’s a big deal here. I like having extra people around to cuddle me, but I miss Daddy, so I want to go home soon.

Flying's no big deal. I've done it twice!

Flying’s no big deal. I’ve done it twice!